⚒️Boost Bot

Easily manage your boosting business with the best and most advanced boost bot in the community.


  • Auto Boosting (Sellix.io, Sell.app, Sellpass.io)

  • Ability to Customise Product Name

  • Advanced Order Logging

  • Able to Boost Multiple Servers using 1 command

  • Advanced Webhook Logging

  • Sleek Design

  • Great Quality of Life Features

  • Fully Customisable

  • Advanced Error Handling

  • Supports Multiple Types Of Tokens (3 Month & 1 Month)

  • Proxy Support

  • Multi Threaded, one of the Fastest in the Industry

  • User Friendly

  • Captcha Solvers: hcoptcha.online and capsolver.com


  • Nitro Tokens

  • RDP to host the program

  • HTTP proxies (optional) (username:password@hostname:port format)

  • Hcoptcha/Capsolver API Key (optional)

Setup Guide

How to setup the discord bot?

  • Create a discord bot on the discord developer portal (https://discord.com/developers).

  • Input the bot token, guild ID and owner ID in the bot_token, guild_id and the owner_id field respectively.

  • For customised embeds, input the embed thumbnail image URL, embed footer text and footer icon URL in the thumbnail_url, footer_text, and the footer_icon_url fields respectively.

How to setup auto boosting?

  • Fill all the fields under Autobuy Setting in the config.

  • Set up the pattern of your product name in the config in the product_name_pattern field. Make sure all other words match exactly like on your website.

  • Write the custom field name for inputting invites on your website in the invite_field_name field in the config. Make sure all words match exactly like on your website.

  • Install ngrok (https://ngrok.com) on your device and create an account on their website.

  • Follow the steps given to you on the ngrok website dashboard to authorise your device with your ngrok account.

  • Open the ngrok exe and in the terminal type ngrok http 80.

  • Copy the forwarding URL and add /sellix, /sellapp or /sellpass respective to your shop type in front of the URL.

  • Paste it in the dynamic URL field on all your server boost products or use the /update-dynamic-url command.

How to setup rich presence?

  • Go to the rich presence tab in your bot settings on the developer portal (https://discord.com/developers/applications/{Bot ID}/rich-presence/assets).

  • Upload the image you want to set as the large image in the rich presence.

  • Go to visualizer and under Large Image Key, select the image you just uploaded.

  • On the right side of the page, you will see the image popup on the example rich presence. Copy the image URL by right-clicking on the image.

  • The image URL should look like this: https://cdn.discordapp.com/app-assets/1191329284053274674/1191823978726178836.png. The part before .png and after / is your image asset ID.

  • Input this in the config along with other fields like app_id, name, state and details.

How to use the bot?

  • Fill all other fields according to your needs.

  • All orders are saved. If you are completing any failed order (automated or manual) using the /boost-server command, make sure to input the order ID of the failed order in the order-id field to link the details of this process to the order ID.

  • The program automatically deletes orders from storage if the boosts have expired.

  • Do not use the /boost-multiple-servers command to complete multiple failed orders as the process would not be linked to the order ID. All processes will generate a new order ID.

  • Make sure to invite the bot using the Administrator permission on the discord developer portal.

  • I recommend using proxies to avoid getting rate limited. The format is username:password@hostname:port. Only use http proxies.

  • If you are checking the tokens used at a later stage for an order and they show as invalid, make sure you check the email and password on the discord login website to check if they have been disabled to avoid re-boosting a server as discord has been changing the token of accounts randomly.

  • NEVER delete or replace the database folder as you will loose all the data stored.

Tutorial Video


Showcase Video

Last updated